Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Advanced Capabilities - Growing the ideas

Science PD at Hotel Coachman 4-7pm

Anne Barker - Waikato University

We began the session by filling a plastic cup with ice and placing it in what we thought to be the warmest area of the room. - Mine weighed 93 grams at the initial weight.  The idea was to revisit this at the end of the session and discuss what happened.

The teachers/principals initially met to discuss how we have incorporated science in our teaching.  It was really beneficial to hear from other educators about their progress they have made including useful ideas.  

Active Minds https://activeminds.nz/ was mentioned by a school who utilises this service to have Science Kits delivered to the school on a weekly basis. They found this valuable and an excellent investment - something I'd like to look into further - Networking at its best!

Another tip which was shared was using http://www.whitcoulls.co.nz/toys/magic-pranks/prank-star-quick-attach-microscope-5922531

Question posed to our group was 'What would change if instead of science we called it "Nurturing" "Creativity", "Exploring", "Discovery", "Nature Study". What would be lost or gained.  Our group felt that maybe it would hook the younger kids in however, in my mind it would depend on their pre-conceived ideas / experiences of 'Science'.

Discussed the skill/processes interwoven into the capabilities.

We had a looking at ice and water experiments / statements we had to decide if we agree/disagree with some of the statements.  This brought a lot of discussion and debate as to the thinking and science behind it.  I really enjoyed the ideas and thoughts including our pre conceived theories.  It really opened the floodgates of debate which was excellent

A thought was mentioned by a member of our group of the way children often own their thinking or theory and it becomes close to the heart. Anne showed us an example of 'Ritualized Descent' an example was of drawing a diagram of your thinking (In a group) then turning around at another group no greeting or anything and the new group would ask questions - the child could not respond instead, once finished return to original group and share the questions eg 'maybe we need to show this in the diagram or why would that happen?' This takes the personalized aspect away from the theory-thoughts.

Another excellent way was the use of concept cartoons.  This was a good way to share thinking without having an individual feel critiqued.  I think this could be a great way to utilize in not only science but other curriculum areas.

All in all a good workshop - Good group of people and it was a great difference having a small group which allowed for easy discussion.

PPT to follow.