Friday, October 9, 2015

Twitter for Education

So it has finally happened, I've resisted the whole # and tweet business for some time now thinking that tweets were just a pointless forum of sharing useless information.  However, with the recent ULearn conference in Auckland and I not being able to attend, I thought I'd give the Twitter-Sphere a go.

And wow! Within moments of following #Ulearn15 I was consumed by a range of hot topics.  Of particular interest to me was the discussions around MLE and Teacher inquiry.  It was clear within the first day that using Twitter as an educator is a fantastic way to Network with many in the field.  Twitter also provided a great platform to share interesting readings, discussions and progress in the field.


Now I sign off as @Beardedteacher5, a fully pledged twitter user, looking forward to following more educational tweets.  #Lifelonglearner

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