Thursday, March 2, 2017

Manawatu literacy AssociationKay hancock

Brief history
More than reading words, learning to want to read
Focus has shifted to outcomes rather than reading for pleasure
Ns unintentionally narrowing the curriculum
Internationally more research has come out about reading for pleasure
Attainment including maths from one research paper.
Reading enjoyment more important for success target than social economic status
Lovely manawatu poem shared from new junior journal.
Where the wild things are. Conversational thread is so powerful for the children. Even though children had heard story before they wanted other kids not to spoil for it.
Discussion helps kids formulate own opinions
Open the learning through talk book to build on how to run discussions
Children as readers
Active readers
Understanding of elements
Aware of the power
What the teacher did
Mediated chose it encouraged it
Collection of books
Receptive to responses no one answer
Wondered with the children
Made the most of teachable moments
Link on teaching reading as being a reader. Never sue McDowell
Before ready to read lots of look and say
Series should be composed of proper stories should be able to make connections
Rich playful use of language 1960s
70s shared reading
Revised edition in 1980s appearance appeal quality
Rhythmic, repetitive, anticipation
Language patterns sub plots
Does the story have charm magic impact, what gaps
Doors the language spark child's imagination
Will the story lead into further learning
Shared reading...
Non fiction for shared reading narratives up to purple.
Check literacy online
Ready to read advisory group have looked at moving on to chapter book jj did it anyway. Big year 3 hook. Teacher support material isn't there as a guided text for students reading at any level.
What opportunities
Shared teacher material and guide
Students to work in zpd zone proximate development
Teacher naturally feed in language as prior discussion takes place.
Talk about they're favorite part with a buddy.
The whole jj is available as pdf

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